2010 ~ 2019 During this crucial decade, my art has seen very many twists and turns. The growth was exponential, and seemed to be steadily gravitating towards more imaginative imagery. As the years progressed to mid-decade, there came a launching into a low orbit of abstraction, leaving behind the earthly bounds of realism. However, my own custom nontraditional version of encaustic medium continued to be a mainstay throughout the decade and became an integral element of the lushly colored and detailed painting style that had strongly emerged through the encaustic medium’s particular formulated use.
Towards the end of the decade and after a thorough round of exploration of this rich beeswax medium, having felt it had been completely mastered and no longer held much interest to continue with, the medium was discontinued and replaced with strait up traditional oil paints. Almost immediately, a new and unexplored style of much more spontaneous works began to emerge onto the canvas allowing the works to enter into a higher orbit of an extraordinary expressionistic perspective.