Born: 1956 Charlotte, North Carolina
- Graduated from Myers Park High School, Charlotte, NC, 1975
- Freshman Scholarship, The Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, GA, 1975-1976
- G.PA. Honors, The Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, GA, 1976-1977
- Katy Lynch Davidson Cummings Memorial Scholarship, The Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. School of Art, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, 1980-1981
- Bachelor of Arts equivalent, Painting Major, Printmaking Minor, Atlanta College of Art (Atlanta, GA),
- Glassell School of Art (Houston, TX), University of Houston (Houston, TX)
- Art teacher, The Museum of Fine Arts Older Adult Program, Houston, TX, 1980-1981
- Teacher/Lecturer, “The Business of Art” Seminar, sponsored by Central Piedmont
- Community College, Charlotte, NC, 1983
- Focus Group Participant, Charlotte Cultural Study Commission, Charlotte, NC, 1989
- Publications: Charlotte Observer, Observer Break Magazine, Charlotte Magazine
- 1993-94 Charlotte Arts & Science Council Emerging Artist Grant
Able, Inc., Mr. Revel Bellany, Charlotte, NC
Delta Airlines, Denver, CO
First Union National Bank, Charlotte, NC
Spectrum Properties, Charlottc, NC
Stockholders Systems, Inc., Atlanta, CA
The Tower Club, First Union Plaza, Charlotte, NC

Motte Thomas – 1983